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With $500,000 On The Line, Are You Game?


So. Here’s the sitch. We may have one more grant in us. And since sharing is caring, we are opening the Request for Proposals for one week…starting now.

If you’re new to the online casino sports game, woo us. If you’ve already submitted, update your proposal. We’d love to see what you’ve been up to in 2011 and what you’d do in 2012 with additional support.


New players receive 150% bonus up to £150

what we’re looking for

  • projects that, through sport, spur social change and/or economic development
  • project budgets under $25,000
  • project completion in less than six months

when we’re looking for it

  • anytime before December 14, 2011 at 6 pm PST

where we’re looking for it

List of Table games:






GAMECHANGERS | Online Casino Sports Micro-Venture Fund Winners Announced

We received almost 250 diverse proposals from all corners of the globe, giving the jury the challenging task of identifying those projects and partners to whom the grants will be disbursed. Architecture for Humanity and Nike is excited to announce the final GAMECHANGERS grant recipients.

WINNER | Magic Bus

Location: New Delhi, India

Architecture for Humanity has partnered with Magic Bus to improve the infrastructure at 5 or 6 centres that will facilitate community-oriented sports programs in underprivileged neighbourhoods of Delhi. The developed sports/playfields and supporting infrastructure will help inculcate a sporting culture among children and youth in the community and help Magic Bus use its unique Sports for Development (S4D) curriculum to provide access to sport and promote every child’s right to play; gender inclusion; education; health care.

WINNER | Manhattan Bridge Skatepark

Location: New York, New York

The Manhattan Bridge Skatepark is a neglected skate park located in the Lower East Side. Because of its location, and the recent closing of the Brooklyn Banks, it has become the most heavily permitted park in Manhattan.

With a GAMECHANGERS grant, the project team will rebuild the park from the ground up that will include:

  • A new concrete slab;
  • Reuse and/or replacement of the existing obstacles;
  • Simple, safe, and innovative obstacles for participants of all ages and skill levels;
  • Integrated multi-functional elements (ie skate-able furniture) that invite + encourage passive participation of non-skaters/ visitors to the park;
  • Enterprise opportunity for local vendors + community partners.

WINNER | Rural Sports Center

Location: San Pedro Apóstol, Oaxaca, Mexico

With a GAMECHANGERS grant, the design team + community will build a rural sports center that will be a foundation for the social, economic, sustainable and cultural development of the city and the community — a hub for sport, recreation, entertainment, and commerce.

Through skills training and workshops, the center will be built with the help of the local community. The design team will train builders in indigenous building techniques, using local materials and resources, while also providing the technical guidance to learn from traditional methods in innovative ways.

WINNER | Vida Corrida

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Architecture for Humanity and Nike do Brasil are proud to partner with Associação de Moradores da Cohab Adventista 1 to design and construct a new community resource and recreation center in Capão Redondo, São Paulo, Brazil. The new center will house the neighborhood organization and Corredores do Parque Santo Dias who operate Vida Corrida – a program where women and children develop leadership through sport. Stay tuned for updates as we work throughout 2011, to design and build a new home for these gamechanging endorphin addicts.

WINNER | Games in Lost Heavens

Location: Ganhaizi village, China

This micro-grant will support Habitat for Humanity China’s work in Ganhaizi — a remote village in a mountainous region (know as “the Lost Heavens” — a district with one of the largest Miao minority ethnic populations in China. They will build an exterior basketball court, and spectator seating — providing a community hub for socializing, events, and the favorite activity of Ganhaizi’s children and elderly alike – basketball.

Stay tuned for updates as the basketball court and games come to life in the coming months.

WINNER | Liga FOS – Fútbol para la Oportunidad Social

Location: Moreno, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

A little healthy competition is good no? We agree, which is why we launched the Copa Arquitectura where participants have 6 weeks to partner with a designer from a 2011 Copa America country to design a small youth football (soccer) facility for less than $45,000 USD for Liga FOS. Winners get $2000 + $2000 in design fees + to see their ideas built in Argentina later this year. Anyone can enter.

WINNER | Una Cancha Muchas Canchas

Location: Guatemala City, Guatemala

This micro-venture grant will fuel the spread of urban futsal interventions in Guatemala City. Buró de Intervenciones Públicas will work with the local municipality and community members to design and install 2 urban football (soccer) pitches — innovative and low-cost interventions that will transform low-traffic city streets into sport + community centers.

Check out their proposal, and stay tuned for updates as these pitches take over in the next couple of months.

WINNER | My Game is Beautiful – Girls Football Hub to Combat Human Trafficking

Location: Jharkhand, India

YUWA uses girls football to level the playing field with every goal. With a sports micro-venture grant, they will work with a designer to build a secure football pitch, spectator seating, community room, and enterprise area — did we mention these kick-startin’ girls also grow and sell mushrooms to the local community to help support their football habits?

Check out their proposal, and watch the project go from field to fruition this year.


Where will we go next? Stay tuned for more great news next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. Don’t forget to enter the Copa Arquitectura.

For real time updates Follow afhgamechangers on Twitter.


No social network voting contests, no virtual farms to tend to, no magic codes to tweet – just funding directed where it is needed most, in supporting projects on the ground. Welcome to the GAMECHANGERS Sports Micro-Venture Fund.

The Fund is a partnership between Architecture for Humanity and Nike Inc. In the past 18 months the program has funded innovative projects in Afghanistan (Skate), Brazil (Football/Soccer), Kenya (Basketball) and the United States (American Football).

We are seeking proposals for the final round of funding to support the construction of sports facilities offering programs that tackle social issues in the community. This Request for Proposal (RFP) process will award up to $500,000 in funds and is directed toward micro-interventions with a construction time line of 6 to 9 months. The majority of these grants will be $25,000 for building or upgrading facilities and completing existing projects. 10% of the funding will be earmarked for the professional design services and engineering.

At the discretion of the funding team a small number of selected proposals will be awarded additional funds based on need and scope of impact.

If you hate reading all that verbage, here is breakdown of available funds:

  • Africa – 2 x $25,000
  • the Americas – 2 x $25,000
  • Asia – 2 x $25,000
  • Europe – 2 x $25,000
  • Oceania – 2 x $25,000

plus up to $250,000 in additional funding.

If you’re game, apply today.

The Deal

Who is eligible?

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is open to locally-based organizations that empower the community through sports as a mechanism to spur social change and/or economic development. Projects can be anywhere in the world. They may have singular goals or multiple functions. They should address one or more of the following key areas:

  • Improved access to opportunities to participate in sport
  • Removal of physical, economic, social and gender barriers to participation in sport
  • Improved social cohesion
  • Improved physical activity
  • Provides innovative alternatives to play spaces for communities that lack resources
  • Positively affects the environment or reduces the negative environmental impact of sport-related initiatives
  • Generates opportunities for social and economic empowerment

How many projects will get chosen?

This is a global fund and we are looking to support a minimum of two projects from each of the five global regions: Africa; the Americas; Asia; Europe; and Oceania. Additionally, we may award separate funds to additional projects or increase funds for selected projects that deem further investment. This fund will cap at $500,000

What are the ground rules?

To apply you must:

  • Tackle at least one of the key areas listed above.
  • Have a commitment from an architect or building professionally involved or be willing to have one appointed to the project. Exactly 10% of the grant will be allocated for design and engineering services.
  • Own the land or have long term lease on the property in question.
  • Have operational funds for a minimum of five years or have developed economic models of support for the expansion of your facility.
  • Be nice. We believe in fair play and we will reward organizations that have gone out of their way to do the right thing. Meanies and cheaters never win.

The Jury

Check out our game changing jurors – a select group of stakeholders, existing grant recipients and former pro athletes.

The Timeline

  • Submission Period August 4th – October 29th 2010
  • Grants Announced: December 2010
  • Funding distribution: January 2011
  • Project completion: July to September 2011
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